Recently, there were two very specific prayer requests that were weighing heavy on my heart. Each of them involved life and death situations. Each of them involved people who are in the prime of life. These two prayers would come to my mind day and night. I would wake up and find myself crying out to God in the darkness.
Have you ever begged God for something? You were so sure of what the answer should be. You reasoned it out in your mind WHY a certain answer would be best for everyone involved.
As I continued to pray for several days, the answers came. But those answers weren’t what I had prayed or hoped for. I was SURE God was going to let everything be OK. However, God’s plans were not in alignment with mine or should we say, my plans were not in alignment with God’s.
In this life, there will come difficult circumstances. From our human perspective, we may pray with the answer “we” feel is best, already on our mind. We can’t see or understand how anything less could be “the best” in a circumstance. But we only see from an earthly perspective. We cannot see the big picture of life as God does.
The Bible says, “My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways, declares the Lord.” If we have a relationship with Jesus and believe in a sovereign God, then even when our prayers aren’t answered how we would like, we can trust that God sees the big picture and He is using that circumstance in ways we may never understand this side of heaven.